FEBRUARY 13, 2006 |
preview of an extremely compact passive amplifier, which boasts
high quality components and a solid alluminium and national walnut
finish. Meant to be used coupled with many avalaible amplifiers
Kit, equipped with a 24 steps volume control, five line-imputs,
two main line-outputs plus an additional one, (2+1 line-outputs)
and a “Mode” control, which allows it to be used in
an even more versatile way.
Gainclone. |
GENUARY 21, 2006 |
quick report of a well-known DIY project, made up during Christmas
A more-than-50 Watt per channel Amplifier, that makes use of the
famous LM3875T Chip by National.
After soulless boxes and devices that sound hollow, here is a change.
High Quality Power Supply for the 41Hz AMP1B. |
GENUARY 19, 2006 |
need for a Power Supply fit for the 41Hz Amp 1/B, drew to develop
a new serious unregulated Power Supply that includes a low-powered
regulated section.
The result is a circuit designed by Daniele Dalvino, which evolved
into a complete
and versatile PCB drawn up by myself, with the contribution of Eugenio
and coupled with a good Toroidal transformer by LSP.
Actually only Italian version. The English version is still under

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Chip. |
NOVEMBER 15, 2005 |
report of the many hours spent with some Tripath
Technologies Chips, operating in the "T" Class and
made known to the public through an article
by the TNT-Audio, published
in the early January of 2005. Among the many versions produced I
could try the most famous three. The TA2024 employed in the Sonic
Impact T-amp and the TA2022 and TA2021B, operating in the 41Hz
Kits proposed by Jan Fredriksson. Lately, others too are proposing
new Kits with a Tripath Chip, such as the interesting implementation
of the TA2020 proposed by Alessandro Coppi, from
Actually only Italian version. As soon as possible it will be also
available in English. |

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- Speakers Cables. |
SOON... |
well known that cables, in the Audio chain, carry on a first-importance
task. For this reason the market is full of all kinds of them, at
any cost. In the same way, it's possible to find through the Internet,
many projects, more or less simple, that explain how to build up signal,
speakers, and power supply cables.
After having listened to several of them, I decided to try and assemble
new ones, treasuring both what I read and what I experienced.This
article explains how to realize some good speaker power cables, using
a category 7 shielded cable for data processing networks. |

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Line Speakers with FOSTEX FE127E.
SOON... |
from the original design by Rob
Sampson, a couple of Transmission-Line Fullrange speakers with
In spite of a discreet building up effort, they will repay you with
a convincing sound, with a clear and never tiring middle-high range,
and a really good bass response, considering a cone of just 12 cm
of diameter. Easy to locate, they feel confident either coupled
with the T-Amp, or with superior amplifications. Last but not least,
they show off an atypical look, open to thousands of possible variations.
Specially indicated for Acoustic and Jazz,
I consider them like little gems of self-construction.
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Impact SoundPaX, portable and foldable Speakers.
FEBRUARY 22, 2005 |
An interesting and cheap Kit, that includes the celebrated T-Amp
and a couple of foldable loudspeakers, made of cardboard and equipped
with an unusual Neodiminian transducer.
Devised as a minimal system, for vacations and free time, it is
unbeatable in terms of transportation and fit as a first start system
for children or as an original gift.
Actually only Italian version. As soon as possible it will be also
available in English. |

(Click here to enter) |
To carry through the most part of the projects is necessary to work
with devices connected to the electricity network, which
can be lethal if unskilfully managed.
For that reason, we do not consider ourselves liable for
any damage to people or things, due to the partial or total reproduction
of the matters presented in these pages.